Beet Kraut

A favorite and colorful version of kraut!

Beet Kraut

4 cups shredded cabbage

2 cups grated beets (raw and peeled)

2 cups thinly sliced onions

Place in a large mixing bowl and add:

1 tablespoon sea salt

1 teaspoon caraway seed

1 teaspoon celery seed

1 tablespoon minced garlic

Stir to mix all ingredients. Allow to macerate in bowl for an hour or two stirring occasionally. Sauerkraut is self-brining. The salt will draw liquid from the cabbage, beets and onions to form it's own brine. If necessary massage with hands or use a kraut pounder to draw out more liquids. Pack in jars using proper weighting method. Ferment time: 2-6 weeks.

Happy Fermenting!
