Growing Celery...

With a Freeze Watch in place it's time to finish the harvest. Our rare flowering plants are safe in the greenhouse. The large green tomatoes have been picked and brought inside to ripen and we are finishing the celery harvest. 'Conquistador' performs well in our climate. Another favorite is 'Peppermint Stick'...beautiful with it's red striping.

Use celery fresh during the growing season then dice and freeze it, ferment it or dehydrate for winter use. Celery makes a great weight when fermenting. Simply cover your ferment with kale leaves then criss-cross two celery stalks while wedging them under the shoulder of a small mouth jar to keep everything submerged beneath the brine. Easy and inexpensive!

After harvesting the stalks from the plant, it can easily be dug and potted. It will regrow in a sunny window.
